Monday, July 29, 2013

Citroen Survolt Electric Car

There are no gears - you simply push the accelerator and away you go in one constant, addictive, thrust of torque. 0-62mph is over and done with with in just under 5.0 seconds. Because there are no gearchanges to interrupt the power, you feel like you could keep accelerating forever. Not that we can do that today - this exact car, the only one in the world and valued at £1,500,000, is the star of Citroen's stand at the Paris Motor Show in two weeks. No pressure then.

Especially as there's none of the normal engine braking you get in an ordinary car. Lift off and you've only got the wind resistance slowing you down - you can't heel and toe down the gearbox, there's just the firm brake pedal. Incidentally, this needs to be pressed with your left foot because the cabin is so tight there's no room to drag your right foot across. Like a go-kart. 

The second thing that strikes me is the amount of noise there is in the cabin. Sure, from the outside, the Survolt simply whirrs past, but from inside there's a real turbine whine from the gearbox.

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